Brothers of Paterson, Inc.
B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. Brothers - Reaching - Out - To - Help - Everyone - Rebuild - Self
​​Mission... To create an environment that influences, enables, and empowers the men in our community towards the activities to succeed in life, through social, financial, and educational awareness.
This site designed by Kevin McDaniel.
You can engage with the BROTHERS of Paterson, Inc. in a number of ways. In addition to attending our events and activities, we hope that you will get more directly involved by participating in our various initiatives. Meet with us and other community members by joining the BAND to End Violence in our Community, visit, comment, and like us on Facebook, send us a financial contribution. And we encourage the men in our community to consider joining us as we continue to work towards our mission. Click the links below that interest you.